Discover the Enchanting Beauty of Sintra

Sintra, Portugal – a treasure trove of magic and mystery, awaits your discovery. Nestled amidst lush green mountains and historic charm, this enchanting town invites travelers to embark on a journey back in time, where legends and reality intertwine in a dance of wonder.

The history of Sintra is as captivating as the fairytales it inspires. From the times of the Moors to its significance as a royal sanctuary, every nook and cranny exudes a sense of ancient allure. It’s like stepping into a storybook, where knights, kings, and queens once roamed the cobblestone streets.

Beyond its rich history, Sintra breathes life into Portuguese culture. Warm smiles and heartfelt hospitality embrace you, making you feel like an honorary local. The traditions here are ingrained in the very fabric of the town, passed down through generations like a cherished family heirloom.


So, where exactly is the Algarve? Portugal’s southernmost region, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Iberian Peninsula. This slice of paradise stretches along approximately 125 miles of coastline, boasting some of Europe’s most breathtaking beaches and hidden coves. And the best part? The Algarve enjoys a Mediterranean climate, meaning mild winters, sun-drenched summers, and an overall pleasant atmosphere throughout the year.

When Should You Go:

The shoulder seasons – spring to early summer and autumn – shower Sintra with the perfect climate for exploration.

Picture sunny days and gentle breezes that whisper tales of distant lands, while avoiding the bustling crowds of the summer months.

As you pack your bags for this magical journey, consider the weather and dress accordingly. Light and breathable clothing is your best friend during the warmer months, while a cozy sweater will keep you snug when autumn embraces the town with its cool caress.

Best Things to See and Do in Sintra:


  1. Explore Pena Palace:
    Unravel the mysteries of the whimsical Pena Palace, a fairytale-like wonder perched high on a hill. Immerse yourself in its vibrant colors and intricate details as you step back in time. Explore the opulent rooms adorned with luxurious furnishings, ornate tapestries, and elaborate ceilings. Don’t forget to climb the towers and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. As you wander through the palace’s manicured gardens, you’ll feel like royalty in your own magical kingdom.

    Entrance fees range from €14 to €19, depending on the ticket package.

  2. Wander through Quinta da Regaleira:
    Delve into the secrets of Quinta da Regaleira, an enigmatic estate filled with hidden tunnels, wells, and symbols. Embark on a journey of mystery and intrigue as you traverse its lush gardens, discovering mystical grottoes, underground passages, and the iconic Initiation Well. Feel a sense of wonder and excitement as you uncover the symbolism and mysticism hidden within the estate’s architecture and design.

    The entrance fee  is €11 for adults, €6 for youths (aged 6 to 17) and €6 for seniors. The opening hours are from 10am to 7pm (summer) and 10am to 6.30pm (winter), with the last admission at 5.30pm year-round.


  3. Visit the Castle of the Moors:
    Stand tall like a guardian on the ancient walls of the Castle of the Moors, overlooking the picturesque landscape of Sintra. Lose yourself in the history and stunning panoramas from this medieval fortress. As you walk along the crenellated walls, you’ll be transported to a time of knights and battles. Don’t miss the chance to capture breathtaking views of the surrounding forests and the Atlantic Ocean from the castle’s strategic vantage points.
    Ticket prices:  adults (18 – 64 years)  8 €,  youths (6 – 17 years). 6,5 €,  Ticket for seniors (over 65 years). 6,5 €, and Family ticket (2 adults + 2 youths) 26 €.

  1. Indulge in Sintra’s Delicacies:

    Treat yourself to the delectable Travesseiros, a traditional pastry filled with sweet almond cream. Sample other local delicacies such as Queijadas, almond cakes, and Sintra’s famous Gelados Santini ice cream. Embrace the flavors of Portugal by dining in charming local eateries and savoring the region’s fresh seafood and traditional dishes.

  2. Discover the Convent of the Capuchos:
    Find solace in the serene Convent of the Capuchos, also known as the Cork Convent, where simplicity and spirituality merge in perfect harmony. This unique religious retreat is integrated into the natural surroundings, with its walls lined with cork to provide insulation and silence. As you walk through its humble chambers and quiet chapel, you’ll experience a profound sense of peace and reflection.

  3. Mountain Biking in the Sintra Mountains:
    Get your adrenaline pumping with a thrilling mountain biking adventure through the dense forests and winding trails of the Sintra Mountains. As you navigate the rugged terrain, you’ll be surrounded by lush vegetation and stunning vistas. Whether you’re a seasoned mountain biker or a novice looking for an exhilarating experience, Sintra’s diverse landscape offers trails suitable for all skill levels.
  1. Marvel at the Sintra National Palace:
    Step into a royal residence and marvel at the Sintra National Palace, a stunning architectural masterpiece that showcases a blend of Moorish, Gothic, and Manueline styles. Admire the intricate tilework, decorative ceilings, and historical artifacts inside this former royal palace. Learn about the monarchy’s influence on Portuguese culture and politics as you explore the opulent chambers and living quarters of the palace.

  2. Hike to the Cruz Alta Viewpoint:
    Lace up your hiking boots and embark on a rewarding trek to the Cruz Alta Viewpoint, the highest point in the Sintra Mountains. As you ascend the trail, breathe in the fresh mountain air and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the surroundings. Once you reach the summit, you’ll be greeted with an awe-inspiring panorama of Sintra’s rolling hills and majestic landscapes.

  3. Sunset at Cabo da Roca:
    Experience a breathtaking sunset at Cabo da Roca, the westernmost point of continental Europe. Stand on the rugged cliffs and watch as the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. The dramatic coastal scenery and crashing waves create a truly unforgettable moment.

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